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Best ammo I’ve ever bought, it’s much faster than normal.380
Everything they say about this ammo is spot on. I recommend it to all my friends and family. There’s nothing else like it. I keep it in my edc always.
I use your ammunition in my sig P320 in 9 mil. Can I use it in my new Kimber 45 acp?
I heard 3 robbers kicking my door So, I grabbed my g40 longslide. I had 31 rounds of your ammo in my pistol. I called 911 and asked for the coroner and 3 bags. I waitrd till they got in. No lights at all, so my night vision gear was useful. All 3 were dead. 1 shot a piece was all it took. 6 neighbots bougjt 10 mm g40s and your ammo after witnrssing the carnage. Thank you.
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Best ammo I’ve ever bought, it’s much faster than normal.380
Everything they say about this ammo is spot on. I recommend it to all my friends and family. There’s nothing else like it. I keep it in my edc always.
I use your ammunition in my sig P320 in 9 mil. Can I use it in my new Kimber 45 acp?
I heard 3 robbers kicking my door So, I grabbed my g40 longslide. I had 31 rounds of your ammo in my pistol. I called 911 and asked for the coroner and 3 bags. I waitrd till they got in. No lights at all, so my night vision gear was useful. All 3 were dead. 1 shot a piece was all it took. 6 neighbots bougjt 10 mm g40s and your ammo after witnrssing the carnage. Thank you.
Our Projectiles Function Differently Than Any Other Self-Defense Round On The Market. We Designed The Civil Defense Line To Eliminate Threats With One Round. We Did This By Creating The Maximum Amount Of Damage And Tissue Disruption Possible. They Do Well Against Barriers, But When The Large Cavity Fills With Fluid, The Hydraulic Pressure Builds Until The Side Walls Of The Projectile Explode. With That Explosion Comes Rifle Sized Temporary Cavities And Hydrostatic Shock, Therefore Increasing Stopping Power By Tenfold. Following The Explosion, The Bullet Fragments Into A Starburst Shaped Pattern Creating Multiple Wound Channels.
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Our 380 Civil Defense Rounds Changed The Pocket Pistol Game. For A Long Time, Everyone Criticized The 380 ACP For Not Having Enough Kinetic Energy. That’s Not The Case Anymore. Our 380 Is One Of Our Most Sought After Rounds Because It Packs Enough Punch, It Gets The Job Done.
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